Monday, May 14, 2012

On my quest for all things to do with running and Yoga, two great things fell into my lap.

The new book by Sage Rountree titled The RUNNER'S Guide to Yoga suddenly was in front of me and so it was only moments before I released it from it's shrink wrap (yes... not so nice packaging! yikes!).  I have gone from front to back.  I will properly review this later with all of it's pro's and con's.  But I will simply state she has grown as a yogi and book writer since her other book, "The Athlete's Guide to Yoga".  Lots of great running specific poses, tips to becoming a better runner, not just in the physical training but in the mental capacity and the balance of training and life.

Lululemon must have heard me calling. That and well all of their running races are happening across North America!  But let us pretend that they were weighing in on my needs too!  They have come up with a simple blog post providing 5 quick poses to practice before beginning your run to help limber you up for those 10 kilometres and help balance and strengthen your muscles to prevent injury.

Go and visit Lululemon's blog here and try these before your next run and see how it changes the way you move!

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