So here I am contemplating what I have already learned and what I wish to accomplish over the next 5 months.
Let’s start at the beginning... why 5 months? 5 months brings me into September. September is when I hope to begin Yoga Teacher Training at Langara College here in Vancouver. I have been practicing Yoga for well over four years now, mostly on and off, but always with an interest for there to be more. The first time I tried yoga though was about 7 years ago. My sister convinced me to try Bikrams yoga with her while still living in Toronto. She had already been practicing casually for awhile but was interested in this popular style that she couldn't access in small town Peterborough. Of course as a young idolizing sister I agreed and followed, dehydrated, to this class uncertain of what I was entering into. Three things I remember from that day was; the pristine of the studio, the sweating slipperiness, and the horrendous dizziness. I also remember passing out at the end of class during Savasana. Something I continued to do well into my first year of classes. I somehow would always be the last person out of class and often it would be the next class coming in that would stir me to life.
What I don't want this blog to become is a what I "should" be doing when I look around. I only should be looking at myself and being witness to my own transformation.
I will write here about what I learn about myself and about the practice of being a yogi.
Remember one thing - Yoga is a Practice NOT a Perfection!
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