Today my partner and I had the pleasure to experience Contact Partner Yoga. I am half bendy and very willing and well simply put this was my partner’s first yoga class, not including my attempts to have him “stretch” with me. The class was held at the Yyoga Yaletown location with Chris Brandt and Marita Wieser from SOL Yoga Center (
I felt that this would be a great way to introduce yoga to Mark while also taking the benefit of cementing trust in our relationship while getting a bit of touchy feely-ness out of it too. There was a very nice progression of poses. We started simply with our backs against each other and then progressing to some arm wrap shoulder opening and then some co-ordinating twists and push up chair poses. Then the first trust exercise.
Simple really, they had us stand back to back with our legs a bit wider then our hips, adjusting width according to height. Then we were to reach back and grab onto each others hips, bend over, then one hand at a time attach between our legs (left to left hand). Once this part is settled and balance is found, each party can lean back and feel the stretch in the shoulders and the hamstrings, its great! When ready reverse actions to get back up.
Shortly after this we began the flying poses. What a ride! I’m not even going to try to explain this to you for fear you might try it without someone to spot you. Mark and I had issues with these, partially due to arms not being steady and legs not getting straight. I would say though I made a good base!
The final flying pose they had us try was a reverse flying pose. You balance on your bases feet while they hold onto your ankles and lift you up. The first time Mark literally bucked me off and I nearly fell onto the couple behind us! Then Chris came and spotted me and helped Mark get proper alignment in the pose and I got up there and it was such a splendid feeling.
The final most relaxing and giving part of the workshop was the massaging we gave to our partners starting at the feel and legs then the shoulders and head. What a treat!
I would say for 20 dollars a person this was an excellent experience and one I wouldn’t mind exploring a bit more with my partner, but also with someone who might know a bit more then me or at least someone comfortable at yoga and enjoys a bit of contact. Any takers?
I would check them out, they host regular workshops both family and partner at their home studio in Whiterock. In the city though there is a contact family workshop on May 9th and a contact partner workshop on May 30th at Semperviva. Also June 9 Yyoga Yaletown will host them for another workshop. Find a friend, convince a partner, or even ask me, I would be happy to join you on your journey!
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