Monday, January 16, 2012

Aging with Grace and Beauty

There have been so many responses and rebuttals to the New York Times publishing of the Yoga can Wreck your Body excerpt.  I still stand by what I wrote while also respecting and considering others opinions.
Although the article completely missed the whole point of practicing yoga as well the beauty it can provide if practiced properly and wholesomely. I suppose that only means that we all just need to read the book once it's published and get the entire picture of what the exact message this author is trying to send.

I have been itching to find something, an article or a video that shows the complete other side of the story. And I got it! The below video is a woman who although doesn't practice yoga per say, she has practiced that yogic lifestyle and movements her entire life and it's beautiful to watch.  This is what the whole envelope of "Yoga" can do for you when you listen to everything it has to teach.

Make it simple... and enjoy!

My friend Maia from julia warr on Vimeo.

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